Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog #9

The article we read in class gives examples of why Facebook and other forms of social media and technology are changing the way we interact with people. It states that the lines between public and private information are being blurred. Before you meet someone all you have to do is look at their Facebook to learn most of their secrets. The article ends with a cliff hanger, if we already share secrets so publicly over the internet what is next? The second is very similar in that way that it begins with an amusing example of a woman's privacy being invaded through the internet. She leaves her dog's poop on a subway in South Korea and the next day her whole life story is made public on a popular website. The article describes this behavior as aggressive. Stating that if the internet had been around during World War II than people could have used to it to find Jews and their families and than post their information publicly on the internet. Or the KKK could have posted a list of black people who needed to be lynched. These are both extreme examples of how the internet needs to be patrolled. However, both articles argue that something needs to be done about the freedom of the internet because if it is not, not only is people's privacy at risk, but also their safety.

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